Have you never heard?
Have you never understood?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary.
No one can measure the depths of his understanding.—Isaiah 40:28 (NLT)
Everlasting God,
Grant me ears that will hear and a heart that can understand the immeasurable greatness of all that You are!
Let the truth—that You are the everlasting God—fill my life with the comforting peace of knowing that You are, and forever will be, in control of everything.
Let me hear the music of Your creation as it praises You and makes You known as the Creator of all the earth—and let me join my voice with theirs in declaring there is none like You.
Let it be Your unfailing strength which lovingly carries me when I am weak or weary—that I might not falter or fail.
Let me trust in the immeasurable depth of Your understanding and confidently rest in the truth that You know what is best for me—and are always working in me to guide me to that end.
Grant me ears that will hear and a heart that can understand the immeasurable greatness of all that You are!
In the name of Jesus, Amen.