Friday, January 31, 2025

Gifting My Burdens to God



Give your burdens to the LORD,

    and he will take care of you.

    He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.


Psalm 55:22 (NLT)



Loving LORD,


Keep me from dishonoring You by trying to carry my own burdens—when You are right here with me, waiting to carry them for me, wanting to take care of my every need, and well able to keep me, in every possible way, from slipping and falling.


Help me truly turn over every care and concern that burdens my heart to You—not merely saying with my mouth that I trust You, when it is evident, by the lack of peace in my heart, that I have not.


Help me to continue in trusting You so that when I give You my burdens, I don’t turn around and try to take them back from You—so I don’t try to carry things I was never intended to carry! 


Help me to understand that when I give You my burdens, I am giving You a gift of my faith, showing that I believe You are well able to carry my heaviest burdens, and use all things together for Your glory and for my good.


Keep me from dishonoring You by trying to carry my own burdens—when You are right here with me, waiting to carry them for me, wanting to take care of my every need, and well able to keep me, in every possible way, from slipping and falling.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Our Own Lives!



We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives, too.


—1 Thessalonians 2:8 (NLT)



Dear God,


Let my love for others be so great that I can't help but share Your Good News with them—as I share with them my own life, too.


Thank You that, by the power of Your Spirit, You wrote the story of Your plan of salvation on the pages of the Bible—as Good News for all mankind!


Thank you that, by the power of Your Spirit and Your Word, You wrote the story of Your plan for my salvation on the pages of my life—as Good News that I should share with everyone that You place within my sphere of influence.


Grant me the boldness and courage—motivated only by my love for You and for others—to share this story of the Bible and of my life, giving freely of myself that they, too, might be saved in every way.


Let my love for others be so great that I can't help but share Your Good News with them—as I share with them my own life, too.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.


Monday, January 27, 2025

The Example of Christ



Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.


Ephesians 5:1-2 (NLT)




Father God,


Help me learn to imitate You in love.


Just like a child—a child who is truly loved—experiences love demonstrated for him by his father and then follows his father’s example and teachings of how to love, so let me walk in all the ways of Your love.


Help me to love without caution or hesitation, but rather generously and extravagantly—unselfishly seeking the best for others.  Help me to love those You put in my path that way—not looking to receive something from them, but only to bring glory to You.


Teach me how to give of myself to others, even to the point of giving all of myself—if that is part of Your plan for me—just as Your Son did when He came and died for us to give us life eternal in Him.


Help me learn to imitate You in love.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Friday, January 24, 2025

A Living Sacrifice





Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.


Romans 12:1 (NIV)


Merciful and Gracious God,


Help me truly worship You today—in grateful response to Your enduring mercy and abundant grace—by dying to myself and living for You alone.


Because of everything You have done for me, stir within my heart that desire to submit all that I am and all that I have to You—to humbly give my life completely over to Your plans and purposes for me.


In light of the final atoning sacrifice of Your Son for my sin, help me to make the only sacrifice that is left to make—a living sacrifice of my life—by consciously and continually setting myself apart for Your use.


Help me to offer my true and proper worship to You in every moment of each new day, as You keep me mindful of Your mercy extended toward me—without which I would not have this privilege of life with You, forevermore.


Help me truly worship You today—in grateful response to Your enduring mercy and abundant grace—by dying to myself and living for You alone.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

He Who Works for Us



For since the world began,

   no ear has heard

and no eye has seen a God like you,

   who works for those who wait for him!


Isaiah 64:4 (NLT)


Father God,


Teach me how to wait for You—and remind me that it is the most important thing that I must do today!


There is no God like You.  Since the world began, You have always been ready to work on behalf of anyone who would patiently wait for You—anyone who would take time to be quiet in Your presence, listen for Your voice to speak to them, and follow You as You guide and direct their ways.


Help me to see that taking time to be quiet before You is the most important thing I can do today—so that You can show me the way that I should go and the things that You want me to do.


Help me to realize that if I fail to do this, that I will exhaust myself in busyness and in doing things in my own strength—by my own will—and in the end, I will neither accomplish that which You want me to do, nor will I be any closer to being who You want me to become.


Help me to understand that the difference my life makes in this world is determined much less by how much I do, and so much more by how closely my life reflects the light of Christ’s love in me, to those around me.


Let me live in the truth that the more I wait on You—trusting You to work in me, and through me, and all around me, according to Your perfect plan—the less difficult my life becomes, and the more peace and joy I will experience.


Teach me how to wait for You—and remind me that it is the most important thing that I must do today!


In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Keep and Protect




I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but that You keep them and protect them from the evil one.


John 17:15 (AMP)



Dear Heavenly Father,


Help me to walk that fine line between understanding that this world is not my home, and still accepting that I have an important part to play in Your divine plan, while I remain here.


Help me to remember that when Jesus prayed to You, He did not ask You to take us out of the world, because the world desperately needs the light of Christ that believers reflect when we remain submitted to Him.


So, help me to remain submitted to Christ and live my life for Your glory—as a good representative of the One who gave His life, so that I might truly live for Him in this world.


And help me to trust You and never be afraid—knowing that You not only heard His prayer when He asked You to keep us and protect us from the evil one, but You also are faithful to answer that prayer, both right now and forevermore.


Help me to walk that fine line between understanding that this world is not my home, and still accepting that I have an important part to play in Your divine plan, while I remain here.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Good Fruit!



But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!


—Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)



Heavenly Father,


Let my life continually abound with the good fruit that is produced by Your Spirit—as I submit to Your will for me and embrace Your power at work within me to change me.


Teach me to be a person who loves You and loves others—with the deep, God-kind of love that can only come from You.


Teach me to be a person who overflows with unrelenting joy—because of the strength you give me for today, and the hope for tomorrow that is mine in Christ.

Teach me to walk in that peace that only You can give, which passes understanding—and, in as much as is my part, to live at peace with everyone.

Teach me to patiently bear with others, with kindness and gentleness—just as You have always been patient, kind and gentle with me.

Teach me to remain faithful to You—at all times and in every situation—just as You have always proven Yourself faithful to me.

Teach me to have a gentleness of spirit and exercise self-control at all times—as I humble myself and surrender my control to Your Spirit, for Your glory and honor.

Teach me to reflect the character of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, always.


Let my life continually abound with the good fruit that is produced by Your Spirit—as I submit to Your will for me and embrace Your power at work within me to change me.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

As Light into the World



I have come as Light into the world, so that no one who believes in Me will remain in darkness.


—John 12:46 (NASB)




Dear Lord Jesus,


Thank You for coming from heaven into our world as Light—so that we who believe would no longer have to remain in darkness but could live an abundant life in the Light of Truth.


Before I knew You, my life was darkened by my sinful nature. I didn’t have any real comfort, contentment, peace, joy, or hope. I didn’t know what love was. I lived in fear—because my life was full of lies. I did not live in the Truth.


Since I have believed in You, and received You as Light into my darkened heart, the Truth of Your Word has set free from those things that held me captive and kept me from living the abundant life that You have called me to live. Now, I am forever held in the Light of Your love.


So, no matter what evil may come, may I always choose to walk in the Truth—allowing the Light of Christ in me to radiate from me into this darkened world—so others might see and want the blessing of living that abundant life of peace, protection, provision, and purpose that only You can offer.


Thank You for coming from heaven into our world as Light—so that we who believe would no longer have to remain in darkness but could live an abundant life in the Light of Truth.


This I pray in Your Glorious Name, Lord Jesus, Amen.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Plans and Purposes



Many are the plans in a person’s heart,

    but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.


—Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)


Sovereign LORD,


Help me always to lift all my plans before You—with my palms wide open—as I submit my will to Your will, my plan to Your plan, and give my life over to Your perfect purpose.


You know every plan of my heart—before it is ever formed in my thoughts. 


You know when I make my plans in perfect concert with Your will for me.  And You know when I make my plans without first considering or consulting You at all. 


You know when I make my plans after much prayer and meditation on Your Word.  And You know when I make my plans despite what I have heard from You, in great foolishness and selfishness.


Yet regardless of all my plans, it is always Your purpose that prevails.


So, mold my plans to accomplish Your purposes and help me to have faith to believe that Your plans are always best—and that Your plans cannot be stopped.


And help me to remember that Your plans are always crafted with my best interest at heart—and for my ultimate good—a reflection of Your perfect and unfailing love for me.


Help me always to lift all my plans before You—with my palms wide open—as I submit my will to Your will, my plan to Your plan, and give my life over to Your perfect purpose.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Friday, January 10, 2025

A Long and Prosperous Life



Does anyone want to live a life
    that is long and prosperous?
Then keep your tongue from speaking evil
    and your lips from telling lies!
Turn away from evil and do good.
    Search for peace, and work to maintain it.

—Psalm 34:12-14 (NLT)


Heavenly Father,


Make every word I speak be virtuous and true, every action I take be kind and good, and create in me have a heart that searches for peace and works to maintain it, down every path You have me walk.


Help me not to speak evil things—words that hurt, rather than heal; words that tear down, rather than build up; words that bring despair, rather than hope.


And keep me from telling lies—words that deceive, rather than reveal; words that slander, rather than commend; words that omit, rather than declare the whole truth.


Help me to remember that while it is good for me to turn away from evil, You desire so much more of me—that to be truly obedient to You, I must also do those things that are good.


Help me to understand that to live in the peace You want me to enjoy, I must never stop searching for that peace and working to maintain it, through all my thoughts, words and actions.


Help me to do all these things, as a testimony to Your power at work in me, so that I may live long enough in this world to accomplish Your plan and purpose for me here.


Make every word I speak be virtuous and true, every action I take be kind and good, and create in me have a heart that searches for peace and works to maintain it, down every path You have me walk.


In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Help Us!




Help us, God of our salvation, for the glory of Your name;
And save us and forgive our sins for the sake of Your name.


—Psalm 79:9 (NASB2020)


God of our Salvation,


Only You can help us—for only You can save us and forgive us of our sins!


Help us! Move as only You can move! According to Your absolute power and Your never-failing love for Your children, unfold before us what is best for us—for the glory of Your name.


Save us! Deliver us from evil! Because You are Holy and Just, do not let the evil of this fallen world overtake us—for the sake of Your name.


Forgive our sins! Bring us to repentance! Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us and call us into Your Presence once again—that Your name would be made great in all the world.


Only You can help us—for only You can save us and forgive us of our sins!


In the Name of Jesus, Amen.


Monday, January 6, 2025

All Who Call Upon Him


The L
ORD is near to all who call upon Him,
To all who call upon Him in truth.
He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
He will also hear their cry and will save them.


—Psalm 145:18-19 (NASB)


Faithful and Loving LORD,


What an amazing comfort to know that You are near, that You hear us when we call on You in truth, that You fulfill our desire when we fear You, and save us in every way!


May my response to Your promised nearness be to call upon You in truth—that is to call upon You from a clean, sincere, and devoted heart, a heart that beats after Your own heart.


May my response to Your promise to fulfill my desire be to fear You—that is to praise, worship, and serve only You, in holy awe of all You are and all You have done, so that my greatest desire is to know You and to make You known.


May my response to Your promise to hear me and save me be to cry out to You with confidence—that is to recognize my total dependence on You and find my hope in Your faithfulness to all Your promises.


What an amazing comfort to know that You are near, that You hear us when we call on You in truth, that You fulfill our desire when we fear You, and save us in every way!


In the Name of Jesus, Amen.