Give your burdens to the LORD,
and he will take care of you.
He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
—Psalm 55:22 (NLT)
Loving LORD,
Keep me from dishonoring You by trying to carry my own burdens—when You are right here with me, waiting to carry them for me, wanting to take care of my every need, and well able to keep me, in every possible way, from slipping and falling.
Help me truly turn over every care and concern that burdens my heart to You—not merely saying with my mouth that I trust You, when it is evident, by the lack of peace in my heart, that I have not.
Help me to continue in trusting You so that when I give You my burdens, I don’t turn around and try to take them back from You—so I don’t try to carry things I was never intended to carry!
Help me to understand that when I give You my burdens, I am giving You a gift of my faith, showing that I believe You are well able to carry my heaviest burdens, and use all things together for Your glory and for my good.
Keep me from dishonoring You by trying to carry my own burdens—when You are right here with me, waiting to carry them for me, wanting to take care of my every need, and well able to keep me, in every possible way, from slipping and falling.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.