Friday, August 17, 2012

Resolved To Please You

The purity of silver and gold is tested
   by putting them in the fire;
The purity of human hearts is tested
   by giving them a little fame.

--Proverbs 27:21 (MSG)

Heavenly Father,

Help me to be so sure of my convictions, that no amount of fame could sway me from them.

I want to have a pure and upright heart.

Help me to be deaf to the praises of man and only open to hear what You would say to me, so I might pass the test that any fame might bring to my integrity.

And when I am following Your leading and hear no praise for my actions, help me to stay true to that leading and prove my resolve to be solely motivated to do what is pleasing to You.

I want to have a pure and upright heart.

Help me to be so sure of my convictions, that no amount of praise or fame could sway me from them.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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