By wisdom the Lord founded the earth;
by understanding he created the heavens.
By his knowledge the deep fountains of the earth burst forth,
and the dew settles beneath the night sky.—Proverbs 3:19-20 (NLT)
All Wise LORD,
Your wisdom, Your understanding, and Your knowledge are without bounds—for in that wisdom, understanding and knowledge You created everything that there is according to the Word that You spoke in faith.
Grant to me this day that
I would walk in Your wisdom—trusting in You to give me great discernment, as I
seek out Your Truth.
Give me understanding that
reaches far beyond my own human understanding—as by Your Holy Spirit You reveal
to me mysteries that I cannot know within my own power.
Increase my knowledge of
who You are and who I am to You, as you unfold before me Your plans and
purposes for my life—that I might move forward without fear and courageously
embrace all that this day may hold for me.
For I know that You are
good and that You use everything that happens to me for good—as You work to
conform me to the image of Christ and bring glory to Yourself.
Your wisdom, Your understanding, and Your knowledge are without bounds—for in that wisdom, understanding and knowledge You created everything that there is according to the Word that You spoke in faith.
In the name of Jesus,
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